Monday 15 April 2019

Screening outcome


Set up of room



Feedback from screening:

"The use of two screens either side of the corner in the room were really cool. I would definitely describe it as an immersive experience which was the intention so it was very successful. The video playing in a loop on the left looked really good although due to technical issues it wasn't the video described in the presentation so I wasn't sure on what the meaning behind it was but visually it worked well. The placing of the screens also added to the experience as the silver piping on the ceiling made a link to the film this perhaps might have not been intentional but it was still an aspect that added to the overall experience. The small TV that showed HAL continuously throughout the film worked really well and it was nice to use another form of technology other than the projectors. However, in the seat that I was on, I couldn't really see him, I only saw him before and afterwards so perhaps the seating should've been placed so everyone had a view of HAL regardless of where they were. Other than not being able to see HAL I thought the placement of the seats was good as everyone was facing towards the centre of the corner. Visually, you could see how the seating related to the scene that they were inspired by."

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