Monday 6 May 2019

instagram content

The intention of these posts are too highlight a problem with not wanting to be able to visit the cinema then explain the project as a solution. To create visual consistency with the instagram, the first slide with the problem is illustrated in a similar way to the logo using simple line work. The patterns are also integrated into the design for further consistency. The second slide with the explanation uses just text with the answer to the problem in the typeface, then the explanation in a more readable typeface to convey the information successfully.

To convey the information about the event, I made posts that have the date, showing times of the films and the place. The date has a simplistic line drawing of a watch that has the hexagon as the face, filled with the patters like in the leaflet. This communicates the information of times. The showing times is the hexagon with the patterns, labelled its what film is when. The angles of a hexagon line up with every 2 hours in a clock, giving each movie 2 hours to play. These times are clearly labelled on each corner so the viewer knows what time it start. The post that shows the place has a simplistic line drawing, for continuity, of hyde park picture course, where it will be held, with the hexagon where the door is, again, for continuity. To fill the space more, as the illustration is rather long, 'independent cinema' is written next to it in order to emphasise this point.

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