Thursday 21 February 2019

Initial logo design and packaging

Logo based on reflective grid of a kaleidoscope, using Helvetica as the typeface for 'cinema' to be incorporated into the design.


Based on typical packaging for kaleidoscopes, long part has logo repeated, short has logo with instagram and QR code for website/instagram.

Typeface made from hexagon shape from logo.

Incorporating the typeface into the logo.


Second design makes info more visible with repeating pattern wrapping around the shorter part. Only including instagram as this is what will be used to promote the project.

  • Blue helps calm your mind, slow down your heart rate, lower your blood pressure and reduce anxiety. It is a peaceful, calm and gentle colour that reduces stress.
  • Green is restful and quiet color that symbolises nature. It helps diffuse anxiety to stay calm and refreshed.
  • Pink promotes tranquility and peace, balancing your energies.
  • White represents clarity and freshness. It is the right color to be surrounded with in times of stress, to get clarity of your thoughts. This relates well with the concept of the project, which is to promote cinema as therapy to improve mental health during stressful, tough times. However, the tone needs to be clean and bright, but not too stark, because if it looks dirty and dull your emotions can mirror the same dullness.
  • Violet signifies strength, peace and wisdom. It has the capacity to bring balance and make you feel inner peace. Studies suggest that the power of meditation can be ten times greater under violet light, which relates to the concept for this idea in that film is a therapeutic tool, working in a similar manor to mediation.
Decision decisions based on colour research:

  • 3 colours for the inner of the kaleidoscope. Blue, green and pink balancing the 6 triangles within the logo.
  • White for the text, dividing the colours.
  • Violet could be used for packaging instead of black for a more calmer effect. whilst looking professional.
Logo for kaleidoscope:
Blue, green and pink, should be toned down to more pastel tones.

More pastel tones true to colours.

Packaging with colour:

Using violet colour for packaging instead of black to calmer appearance and effect on user. White text carried on in design for enhancing this effect.

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