Monday 18 February 2019

Karl Tommy & development

Karl toomey 
- works for its nice that
- likes humour - e.g. butter glue stick, baby mop, toilet role helmet for colds.
His ideas:
- patio kebabs - light with kebab
- air max smoothie - fruit in shoe to turn into a smoothie when you run
- weighing scales - in celebrity scale


Instagram for the Watching Project

Idea takes the phrase from Netflix "are you still watching", questioning the viewer the amount of time spent streaming or downloading film and how it decreases its value, promoting cinema as a more enjoyable experience.

Mockup of the actual billboard posters, however needs development. Gifs for Instagram as an introduction to the billboards.

- Works well, could be used for other things such as in the cinema.
- Could introduce colour?

The Portray project

Mock-up magazine to show the audience the idea of the hole and the emotional aspect of watching film.

- Shows emotion well
- Good interactive element
Engages the audience well

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