Monday 6 May 2019

Film festival research

Edinburgh international film festival
For inspiration for the branding of the film festival, I looked at other film festival branding. The Edinburgh international film festival has a new branding identity for each year. This year is a red, blue and white colour scheme, using the illustration of what appears as a cinema screen and the light around it. This design is used for information, as we'll as displaying imagery. Their Instagram feed disperses this design as well as images without the design, presenting the identity of the festival, as well as important images to advertise the event.


Their Instagram features a gif with a simplistic design of switching the colours to make a fast paced animation that brings a sense of excitement to the event.

It also features a video that provides more information about the event. It starts with 'friend' appearing repeatedly in a straight line in white text, only changing to blue text on the red area. The design of this emphasises the point it is making. The information is then placed with a more simplistic design of the screen illustration, changing with each point they make.


Previous design aspects of the festival
Previously the design of the festival used thick lines amongst the type, representing a clapperboard through the angle they are placed, communicating filmmaking. Pink along with black and white, was consistently used throughout the branding, creating a recognisable identity,

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