Tuesday 7 May 2019


Rough plan for the instagram

Clear cut sections to emphasise the confidence in production that ethan earle mentions. Plan includes content made from the start of production, showing the journey and important aspects of the design. Gifs and videos of the TV hint at what the viewer will see during the screening.
To be at the bottom off the instagram to show the original image used in the poster, revealing imagery used in the design. Split over 9 posts.

To be used twice throughout the feed to split the different designs up to emphasise the confidence in production that ethan earle mentions of each scene being brutally cut into the next.
Videos of HAL on the old TV that will be on during the screening, to hint at the viewer what they will see during the screening.

Just the text from the poster to act as a frame for the gifs to be displayed in as well as other designs.

Quotes from HAL during one of the most important parts of the film. To fill space in the rectangle writing frame, as not all the gifs fill the whole space. Also triggers curiosity to the viewer, or reminds a viewer who has already seen the film of the emotional weight of the film.

Gifs to be in the rectangle text frame that are original ideas for the screening, two of which will be used. Gives the viewer a sense of what the screening will be like, and reminds viewers who have seen the film of scenes from the film.

Poster to be posted at the top of the feed, covering 27 posts, emphasising the length of the poster as it resembles the obelisk.

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