Wednesday 8 May 2019

Screening reviews

The Grand Budapest Hotel
The screening for The Grand Budapest Hotel started with a ticket that was old-fashioned and traditional appearing, linking to the movie. A key was attached to it, again linking to the movie as it resembled a key you would get in a hotel. You were then given a box which was a remake of the sweet box , an important prop for the movie. The box was fragile, however it well made and the thinking behind was clever. The colour scheme of these props, being pink and red, related to the sweet colour scheme of the movie, however the paper stick the box was made from and the ticket paper stock were very different (one being very bright, the other a more dull pink), which disrupted the coherency of the branding, however the design of them were very similar, distracting from this disruption. The typeface was quirky and unusual, like the film, which worked well. The man handing out the tickets and popcorn at the entrance had a hat that said lobby boy, which was a re-imagined version of the hat rom the movie. This worked well as there was a clear link. These props were successful, however quite obvious. The screening itself was just the film showing, which was less inventive and clear they had put the effort into props rather than the actual screening time itself.

Coming into the screening you were met with a wristband and stamp. I didn't get a wristband due to limited amounts, however the stamp was effective. The stamp was a black rectangle with a V cut out, relating to the movie as when you go to clubs you usually get a stamp on your hand, and the V is for the first letter of the film name. Once in the lights were off with only a disco light flashing next to the screen, it felt like a club without the music, then when the film comes on, starting with a club scene, it was very effective in immersing you into the movie. The disco light is turned off after the club scene, and back on when the second club scene comes on, which worked well otherwise it would have been inappropriate and distracting.  Overall the screening was effective, however there was a lot of focus on the club scene. Apparently there was hot chocolate given out before the screening started, but this meant I didn't get any, and it would have been the wrong time to have it anyway. It may have been a good idea to give it during the appropriate scene, or at the end to comfort the audience as it finishes in with the audience in an emotional state. To improve I would have suggested that when they leave the audience should have to give them their fingerprints, as the film ends without knowing what happens to the girl. This could make the viewer think about the situation, keeping the audience in the shoes of the characters of the film.

The girl chewing gum
The screening or The Girl Chewing Gum started with being given gum in packaging designed for the screening. The design looked good, however I don't see any links to the film. Inside was the gum and a piece of paper that told you something to do during the screening. This was very effective because the premise of the film a man telling the people on the screen what to do as if directing it. It made you engage with the film more and pay attention, however I also found myself waiting for the moment I was to do my action, and therefore wasn't really taking in what was happening. As the screening was short, it wasn't necessary to do much else, so I think this was a good amount of effort for the screening itself.

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