Monday 18 February 2019

Cinema project


Film in theatres:
helps lesser known filmmakers
better experience with films
stop people from pirating
keep cinema alive
Watching a movie can be revitalising. It allows you to disconnect, relax, and have a good time.
Film therapy uses scenes or entire movies to help people face fears. It helps them become aware of their fears so that they can work on overcoming them.
It allows you to focus on your problems.
Intensity: Stories, characters, and scenarios are squeezed into a short amount of time.
Duration: The length of a film is equivalent to a long therapy session.
Learning: Films are allegorical like stories and fables. You can take advantage of the cognitive effects of watching films to formulate theories about learning, creativity, etc., and to promote the idea of multiple intelligences.
Identification: Many of us have felt identified with movie characters. This information can be discussed further in therapy.
Attention: The visual impact of film promotes concentration on the images.
When you watch a movie, you can experience passion without suffering the real side effects.
It helps with relaxation. Because watching a film redirects attention towards an activity, it’s an excellent way to decrease anxiety.
It drives motivation. When you watch a movie, you can find characters who help you find energy in your real life.
Entertainment. Film also creates laughter and happiness. And there’s no doubt that it has immense influence over both mental and physical health.
Shedding cathartic tears. Sad and distressing movies can also help your emotions surface from deep inside you.
Rethinking your negative thoughts. Through movies, you can find new perspectives that will help you reflect on and change your attitude.
Development of creativity. There’s no doubt that the different perspectives you see in movies can change your mental schemas and push you to be more creative, flexible, and innovative.
Improves personal relationships. Watching and commenting on a movie with friends and family has a huge social and emotional value.
It’s a reflective art. Movies make us reflect on existential, spiritual, and even royal questions.
It helps to deal with loss. Heartbreak and loss can be softened by movies that help you through these periods.
Film elevates, moves, inspires, and amazes. Thanks to the Seventh Art, you can become a better person.
It improves your strengths. The qualities of different characters can inspire you to improve your strengths.
The presence of other people adds to the experience.
It's good for the economy. 
If you stay home all the time, you'll turn into a hermit. 'Nuff said.
You're more likely to be affected by a film's mojo if you see it theatrically.
At a theatre, you block out all the outside distractions and simply sit. Watching a movie uninterrupted allows you to be more fully transported into its world.

Indie cinema:
Indie films are driven by artistic vision, not the box office
Independent films also educate us about socio-political issues
Because they are not producing their film for the purpose of money, independent films are often projects of passion
Independent films represent equal diversity
What can we do to support independent film?
You can support independent films by watching films that are produced outside of major Hollywood studios. Even if your nearest cinema is a large multiplex operator like Vue, they always have screenings running for popular independent films. It is always a good idea to visit an independently funded cinema, though, such as an arthouse cinema, as not only are you supporting the running of the cinema, but they often have a wider range of low-budget films to watch.
You can also attend film-festivals to invest in films produced by independent artists, and become a member of communities such as Film Independent. Members can vote in the Film Independent Spirit Awards, the premier awards event for the independent film community.
Lastly, if you have a social media account such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, get talking about independent films on there and share content from independent producers to help them to get their film noticed. Do what I do—watch independent films and write reviews on them, and publish your reviews via social media. Even if it's just a small action such as pressing a "Like" button, you're still supporting independent film, and that makes all the difference to the world of cinema. 

Stream of consciousness:
tickets - instead you have to make a ticket and give to cinema
screen - screen size of TV
posters - without type
receipts - _
popcorn - not popped
soda - flat as fuck
sweets - savoury
dvds - screening
review - not having an opinion at all, just accepting the experience
seats - sit on floor
cashiers - 
money - not paying for anything
treat - punishment
actors - public
directors - free to do what you want
filmmakers - 
reel of film - pirated download
id - looking too old for movie - get id
speakers - silence
box office - they pay you to see film

three acts (start, middle, end)
ticket, snack, movie, leave
see the poster, see the price, download at home
feel like shit, watch film at cinema, feel better
enjoy it, analyse it, hate it
hate it, analyse it, love it
watch a film at indie cinema, become apart of community, help indie filmmakers thrive
watch film at vue, regret it, go to indie cinema instead
u, pg, 12, 15, 18

you need at least 3 forms of id
you have to pay loads
the cinema is filled with popcorn
show ticket/ receipts on the way out as well as in
the screen is giant - on a building
film is a day long
the room film is showed in is massive - size of a city hall, screen tiny
painfully loud/ bright
pay extra for subtitles/ audio description
toilet is in separate building or in room
pay extra if you want popped popcorn

wishful thinking:
‘wouldn’t it be nice if…’
people went to see more indie films
you didn’t have to go and talk to someone, you could watch something instead
you could bring your own snacks
if it was an experience rather than a past time
you didn’t go on your phone for a few hours
you were immersed into another world for a while
you could forget about your problems
people stopped pirating
there were more cinemas
cinema was cheaper
you could have a new experience
films weren’t pirated
you didn’t get adverts throughout your film

random word generator:
exit - you can never leave
direction - screen faces wrong direction
television - film on television instead of big screen in cinema
contradiction - really good reviews for terrible films
show - put on a show in a cinema rather than just the film. Show a film series, future of cinema.
disco - have a disco in a cinema
qualify - you have to have a degree to go
public - cinema in a public space
drink - everyone gets a free drink
touch - you get something to feel and fiddle with through out film
education - educational films such as documentaries
lifestyle - instead of seats everyday activities such as a treadmill. have healthy snacks instead. Introduce cinema into peoples lifestyle.
vegetarian - veggie and vegan snacks available

For phones - instagram questioning why viewer is on phone suggesting cinema.
advertise as if normal therapy - no waiting list for film therapy
could bring independent cinema into it - find your nearest indie cinema
poster in film advertisement
booklet of indie film reviews & cinemas. could have info about supporting indie cinemacontinuos 24 hr films
let public choose film
voting system
screenshot the netflix ‘are you still watching?’
kaleidoscope with insta on to promote the idea of visual elements helping with mental health, film therapy. Could form bases for digital. Kaleidoscope patterns.
Vouchers amount of films for cheap price

3 ideas:
  1. Booklet of stuff e.g. reviews, advertising events, interviews such as on film as therapy
  2. New concept of having series in cinema. £25 for 5 episodes, will make people want to go.
  3. poster series for 24hr cinema experience (voting system)

Final 3 ideas:
  1. The Portray project. Portray magazine. Visually - series of posters with faces cut out. reviews, advertising events, interviews such as on film as therapy.
  2. The Kaleidoscope project. Like a club/ticket with a physical kaleidoscope which promotes the event and therapy aspect of film. Fidgeting thing.
  3. The watching project. Series of billboards to promote cinema instead of pirating/downloading/streaming. Netflix ‘are you still watching?’ series. Use eyes

The problem: Film therapy is not well known as a way of helping the mind through entering another world to give your thoughts a break, or for a moment of reflection. Also indie cinemas are becoming more and more isolated and forgotten, leaving the authentic cinema experience to die out.
The execution: ‘Portray’ magazine that promotes cinema, with a focus on indie films and theatres. Contents of interviews, reviews, promotion for events and cut out deals for indie cinemas. Could be a subscription magazine with a free ticket with every issue (monthly). Also has posters of film scenes with the faces cut out so you become apart of the scene, portraying yourself onto the characters.
The solution: Promotes indie cinema.

The problem: Film therapy is not well known as a way of helping the mind through entering another world to give your thoughts a break, or for a moment of reflection. Also indie cinemas are becoming more and more isolated and forgotten, leaving the authentic cinema experience to die out.
The execution: Working with an indie cinema (such as Hyde Park Picture House), a 24hr film marathon called ‘The Kaleidoscope Project’ where people can vote for the indie films they wish to see through an app/website. The ticket is a kaleidoscope which references the therapy aspect of film by being a mini visual for escape from reality. Has the instagram and a QR code for app/website. Monthly event, like a club, which is good value for money.
The solution: Promotes indie cinema and film therapy whilst being cost effective.

The problem: Pirating and streaming films is increasing affecting number of visits to the cinema, which is decreasing.
The execution: 3 billboard series using eyes and the phrase ‘are you still watching?’, referencing streaming from Netflix. Can be animated (inspiration for the Printed page eye magazine cover).
The solution: Questions the viewer on amount of time spent streaming and pirating and how it decreases the value of film, promoting cinema as a more enjoyable experience.

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